We are experts in fighting the battle against corrosion problems within your fire protection system

Fire Sprinkler Piping
Human Circulatory system
Fire Sprinkler Corrosion
Plaque in blood stream

Hazards can be invisible to the naked eye.

Just like in the body, unknown internal issues can be extreme hazards to the overall health of a fire protection system. Could you imagine being in your mid-50s and never getting a full physical because you “look healthy”? At the end of 2021, the average commercial building in the United States was 53 years old. Sprinkler systems can be viewed the same way many people look at their own health…everything looks fine, so I must be good. As is the job of arteries in the human body, the piping within fire protection systems is a distribution network of life preserving liquid. Failure to take preventative care measures could lead to unknown issues becoming huge problems. Plaque deposits in the blood stream can cause damage to artery walls, and if released cause a full blockage of blood flow to critical systems within the body. Similarly, rust deposits due to corrosion can cause a deterioration of a piping system, and the release of those deposits can unknowingly clog a sprinkler when it needs to operate.

As in health, early detection is key

Do you have a corrosion problem? If so, ”how pervasive is the problem?” More people ask that every day. A simple visual inspection can show external signs of corrosion, but what about the inside of the piping? Oftentimes building owners may only become aware of internal system issues when there is a leaking pipe, or worse, a failure during required operation. Whether it’s a sprinkler system or a standpipe system, failure can result in loss of business operations continuity, major property damage, or worst of all, loss of life. Fire protection systems are supposed to operate when needed, and while the annual testing of these systems can give some insights into system health, there is more than can be done. Identifying corrosion problems in their early stages allows for protection against potential losses and provide time to plan mitigation techniques.

Most building owners have the same initial questions when faced with a corrosion problem -- "How much is this going to cost?" While every system is different, having a larger set of data in which to draw a conclusion will assist in determining overall expenditure. truVUE’s approach to assessing piping system and overall evaluation (see below), in coordination with the annual NFPA 25 system checks, show a larger overall system health analysis and can help guide the building owner towards spending money where its needed, and saving money where possible.

truVUE’s services include a comprehensive field survey, analysis of the data, and a report evaluating the tested piping systems. Through this assessment, and a proprietary life predictor algorithm, we are able to provide an anticipated remaining service life for the tested areas of the system. Those service lives will be classified as "Acceptable", require "Monitoring" over the next 5-15 years, and areas which show "Potential for Failure" in the near term. When those classifications are overlaid onto the system design, a clear replacement plan can be developed to help ensure timely replacement of potential failure points, along with a plan for systematic replacement of other zones performed in concern with the budgeting of capital expenditures.